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How to Assess Thyroid Health and Function
Is your thyroid under-performing? Your thyroid is intricately connected to your metabolism so when thyroid health isn't optimal, your energy and metabolism will start to suffer. Signs your thyroid is working optimally include feeling warm and energized, sleeping well,...
A Guide to Magnesium Supplementation
Every cell in your body requires magnesium to produce energy. While all minerals are important, magnesium is one of the masters. It runs over 3700 enzyme functions in the body. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and every cell in your body...
The Thyroid-Metabolism Connection – And How to Support Both
When you hear the word “metabolism,” what does it make you think of? If you’re thinking “how easily someone can stay skinny,” you’re not alone. But the metabolism is so much more than that. Your metabolism is the sum of every function in your body, from digestion and...
More Fiber is Not the Answer to Gut Issues
It never ceases to amaze me how many women I come across that struggle with constipation. It is one of the most common complaints I hear about! And what is the typical default recommendation for constipation? Eat more fiber! However, if you're already backed up,...
Getting Off Birth Control? Five Ways to Support Your Body
Whether you've just started birth control or you've been on it for years, getting off birth control is a very personal decision, and one where it helps that you're especially informed. Some women may choose to get off birth control because they are ready to start a...
What you should know about “the pill”
The pill has been around for several decades, since about the 1960s. Today, four out of five women have been on some kind of birth control and many women are on it for 10 years of more. In the US alone, about 10.6 million women are on some kind of oral contraceptive....
It’s not “iron deficiency.” It’s “iron dysfunction.”
Oh, the many things we’ve gotten wrong about health. And iron is a big one! So many people don't realize that what appears to be "iron deficiency" is actually iron dysfunction. Your ability to utilize oxygen properly in your body and make energy in your cells is the...
Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Lemon, Garlic Aioli
Who doesn’t love a good batch of sweet potato fries?! Only trouble is, most fries are made from conventional potatoes and fried in highly-processed vegetable oils. Some places still even use partially hydrogenated oils. Not to mention, all the other scary...
How to hit your daily potassium target.
This often underestimated mineral is key to just about every aspect of health. Potassium plays a role in so many bodily functions and it’s not that easy to get enough. Potassium is one of the most underrated nutrients, in my opinion. I've seen many cases with my...
5 Nutrients You Might Not Be Getting Enough Of
Eating enough vitamins and minerals is crucial for your body to function and thrive. Among many things, vitamins and minerals support your metabolism, boost your immunity and act as antioxidants. Your body can’t make most of the essential vitamins and minerals it...
Why Minerals Matter
Minerals matter. They REALLY matter. Minerals run enzymes. Enzymes run hormones. Hormones determine how you perceive and interact with the world. A lack of minerals leads to hormone imbalances and many other health issues. Every cell in your body uses minerals to...
The Benefits of the Adrenal Cocktail
When we’re stressed, our bodies burn through minerals FAST, especially sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Vitamin C gets used up too! Mineral depletion leads to burnout. That's where the adrenal cocktail comes in handy. What is the adrenal cocktail? The adrenal...
How to Make Bone Broth and Why You Should
There’s a reason why your mom would bring you chicken soup when you were sick. Bone broth is a staple in an ancestral diet and you’ll find some version of it in just about every culture. Bone broths are rich in minerals, protein, and amino acids, especially glycine....
Health Benefits of a Daily Raw Carrot Salad
How can eating a daily raw carrot every day improve your health? It has nothing to do with beta carotene. While there are many ways to support your body's detox pathways, eating a daily carrot salad is inexpensive, easy, and effective. Want to have less bloating,...
Why You Should Get Calcium From Food, Not Supplements
Calcium is one of the most important minerals. It plays an important role in bone and teeth health, among many other things. However, I don’t recommend supplementing it. Foods rich in calcium provide calcium in a form our bodies can use, along with co-factors like...
Sneaky Cottage Pie (with liver and heart)
I am always looking for more ways to sneak organ meats into our diet and cottage pie it perfect for that! I didn't grow up eating beef liver and it can be an acquired taste. Little, by little, I've started enjoying it's distinct flavor more and more. While it's super...
The Health Benefits of Organ Meats
Offal is not awful. Organ meats (also called offal) are a cornerstone of a traditional foods diet since they are the most nutritionally dense foods on the planet. Considering offal includes some of the best foods for hormones, fertility, and libido, it's time to make...
Why Traditional Foods Matter
The way we eat today is drastically different than the way humans ate centuries ago. And this is not a good thing. The way we eat now is not aligned to human biology. Our cells, our genes need traditional foods to thrive. Traditional foods are foods that humans have...